Emmy Liveblog, On Tape Delay, A Few Hours Later

Qualler's pick: There isn't another sitcom on TV that makes me laugh more than 30 Rock, and isn't that the point of comedy? The Office did have some great episodes last season, Curb Your Enthusiasm was more often than not inspired comedy. Clearly, though, 30 Rock deserves this award more than any other show. And what did the Emmy's choose?
Emmy's pick: Yes, Qualler! I chose 30 Rock for its smart brand of comedy, not to mention its hilarious performances, its bevy of great guest spots by a variety of people, and the fact that it makes you LOL the most of any show. And Tina Fey makes you swoon! I hope you're happy, Qualler!
Outstanding Drama: Boston Legal; Damages; Dexter; House; Lost; Mad Men
Outstanding Drama: Boston Legal; Damages; Dexter; House; Lost; Mad Men
Qualler's pick: I'm still not quite over The Wire getting snubbed one last time, but overall I
believe this to be a strong crop of shows. I've only religiously watched Mad Men and Dexter. I therefore vote Mad Men*, because as great as season two of Dexter was, season one of Mad Men was intoxicating...and I'm not making a pun about all the liquor they drink or the intoxicating Joan Holloway. Season two digs deeper into feminism in a fascinating way, but we'll have to wait a year to discuss that with regards to Emmys.

*How pissed am I, though, that AMC chose to air a rerun this week?!? Now that I actually watch a show as it airs, I am also forced to wait on the whims of a programmer?!?!?!? BLARG!!!!!!
Emmy's pick: I did it again, Qualler! I picked your favorite (nominated, that is) show for best drama! Seriously, though, season two is majorly lacking in the Pete Campbell category, am I right? I'm guessing this whole "Pete knows the secrets of Don's past" thing will come to get him. I guess you're right, Qualler -- we'll see how it turns out next year!
Outstanding Actor, Drama: James Spader, Boston Legal; Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad; Michael C. Hall, Dexter; Hugh Laurie, House; Gabriel Byrne, In Treatment; Jon Hamm, Mad Men
Qualler's pick: Save for James Spader (why do you love Boston Legal so much, Emmy voters?), this is a crop of great actors who really make their respective shows work. I've got a man-crush on Gabriel Byrne on In Treatment, and Jon Hamm as the inpenetrable Don Draper is understated to the maxxx. But, the actor that stands out here as one who takes a show from mediocrity to poetry is Michael C. Hall in Dexter. G-D it, Dexter, how are you so intoxicating? And because Hamm is also surrounded by other great performances, I've got to vote Hall for putting the extra oomph into his show.
Emmy's pick: I did it again, Qualler! I picked your favorite (nominated, that is) show for best drama! Seriously, though, season two is majorly lacking in the Pete Campbell category, am I right? I'm guessing this whole "Pete knows the secrets of Don's past" thing will come to get him. I guess you're right, Qualler -- we'll see how it turns out next year!
Outstanding Actor, Drama: James Spader, Boston Legal; Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad; Michael C. Hall, Dexter; Hugh Laurie, House; Gabriel Byrne, In Treatment; Jon Hamm, Mad Men

Emmy's pick: Whoo-wee! I threw a curveball at you by picking Bryan Cranston. Hey, he deserves to be in the "actor who totally makes this show work" conversation, doesn't he? I guess you and Chris will have to make your way through those last four episodes of Breaking Bad on your DVR, right? Tee-hee, I'm bald too, he says! *Blushes*
Outstanding Actress, Drama: Sally Field, Brothers & Sisters; Kyra Sedgwick, The Closer; Glenn Close, Damages; Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Holly Hunter, Saving Grace
Qualler's vote: Yikes, I haven't watched any of these. I'm thinking I'd vote Glenn Close, because I've heard good things about her. Plus, she deserves some kind of award for her performance in Fatal Attraction, am I right?
Qualler's vote: Yikes, I haven't watched any of these. I'm thinking I'd vote Glenn Close, because I've heard good things about her. Plus, she deserves some kind of award for her performance in Fatal Attraction, am I right?
Emmy's vote: Yes, Qualler, Glenn Close is the winner! Gee, I bet you wish you could have picked as well in your office pool pick 'em NFL thingamajig! Wow, I should give you one of me!
Outstanding Actor, Comedy: Tony Shalhoub, Monk; Steve Carell, The Office; Lee
Pace, Pushing Daisies; Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock; Charlie Sheen, Two And A Half Men
Outstanding Actor, Comedy: Tony Shalhoub, Monk; Steve Carell, The Office; Lee

Qualler's pick: Ooof, is it Carell or Baldwin? Baldwin is pretty phenomenal, but I'd almost give it to Carell for his "Take my wife...please...for example" moment last season. But, the redemption of Baldwin continues in all our hearts, and he deserves full redemption here.
Emmy's pick: The redemption continues, Qualler! Consider Baldwin fully redeemed. (Insert formualic joke about his "threataning phone message" scandal of last year.)
Outstanding Actress, Comedy: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, The New Adventures Of Old Christine; Christina Applegate, Samantha Who?; Tina Fey, 30 Rock; America Ferrera, Ugly Betty; Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds
Qualler's pick: My crush on Tina Fey knows no bounds. Plus, her character Liz Lemon is totally lovable and makes me feel OK for wanting to eat an entire bag of Cheetos at work.
Emmy's pick: I like Liz too! She wins! P.S. don't I kind of look like a pretty fairy?
It's true, I hear Emmy's voice in my head all the time.
Additional kudos go to Dianne Wiest and Glynn Turman for winning Emmys in their superb jobs on In Treatment, and congratulations to the other Mad Men awards for the year. Anti-kudos go to everyone who lamely pointed out the importance of voting this year. We get it, cultural snobs, we get it. Vote or die, or something. Oh, and, um, I guess, good for you, John Adams, for winning a bunch of stuff. Had I watched you in a history class in school instead of voluntarily over seven weeks, I might be more excited.
was it just me or was the lamest part of the show when they had that 'smother brothers' dude out and gave him an award from 30 years ago.
no one cares what you have to say old man. go back to yelling at kids for being on your lawn.
also, way too much emphasis on old crappy comedy shows like 'laugh i'.
i agree, sean. that was by far the lamest part of the show. i was also at first kinda upset that reality television got to play with the emmys, but then i liked how they presented the award, so it was OK. emmy, yes, you DO look like a pretty fairy.
I missed the emmy's because I was busy getting lost driving Dominic back to his dorm. But I'll take your word for it.
No way. Lamest part of the show was Josh Groban's frightening medley of TV theme songs.
I actually don't mind the "BTW You Were Influential" awards at ceremonies. Sure they always drag, but I am a sucker for the sap - the Smothers Brother guy seemed truly honored and touched. And hopefully they'll be giving one to David Simon in 30 years and we can all be crotchety old people saying "Finally!" (Or maybe he'll get his just desserts next year for Gen Kill).
I love that Bryan Cranston won! Hamm is great and I would have been find with that, but Cranston freaking knocks it out of the park on Breaking Bad, the most underrated show on TV. We definitely need to watch the rest of that, Quallz.
some lady in the new yorker thought generation kill sucked.
her language was a bit prettier, though.
she raised interesting points.
The "hey, you're old" prankster in me gets annoyed with all the retrospective stuff (and I would be remiss to point out the hypocricy in accepting an award that one didn't submit for in the original era for political reasons), but the sucker in me that says "Hooray for Emmy voters going against the grain (ex. Bryan Cranston, Dianne Wiest) in your voting!" knows that in 30 years, I'll be weeping when The Wire is finally honored.
Sean, do you have a link to that article? I'd be interested to see what it says. As time passes, I still think it was a great miniseries, but my desire to re-watch it is not extremely high.
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