Kids Today: Oh, Lindsay...

Lindsay plays an underdog, unappreciated lacky who is struggling to make ends meet and supporting her troubled teenage sister by working for a powerful and cartoonish villian played by Chris Parnell. The whole premise of the story is that Lindsay's character pretends to be pregnant so that her boss can't fire her. But here's the little bit that I don't get...her boss was going to fire her because he overheard her badmouthing him in the ladies' room!!! I'm pretty sure she could make a case about that...did she really have to pretend to be pregnant to avoid getting fired? Isn't it illegal (or at least frowned upon) to fire someone because you overheard them saying something mean about you in the bathroom? (Jessica, I'm looking at you for answers.)
Lindsay works at some sort of publishing house, and of course the news travels quickly around the office. Her best friend, played by Cheryl Hines (if you're wondering why these people are doing ABC Family original films, well...the recession's hit us all, people), is in on the secret and helps her pretend to be pregnant. It's hilarious as the lie grows (pun intended) and it becomes more difficult to keep up the farce. Cheryl tries to convince her that it'll all blow over in a couple days (cause people so easily forget a pregnancy announcement) but of course it doesn't. So, they go to a maternity store and steal a fake stomach off a mannequin. Another thing that I find hard to swallow: one day she has totally flat abs, the next day she has a baby bump, and again, no one is suspicious? Everyone is nicer to her at the office, people give up seats for her on the bus, and her landlord finally stops nagging her about paying the rent (he tells her not to worry and to just take care of herself...cause landlords have an unspoken code about not asking for rent from pregnant women). Looks like being pregnant isn't so bad! What could go wrong...

Another thing that struck me as strange is that Lindsay's boyfriend, Miles, is totally cool with the fake pregnancy and plays along with not only the pregnancy but being her fiance at office parties. Unfortunately he pushes her in a pool in front of everyone and thus ends the relationship with Miles. Now she's free to pursue cute accountant Nick. Things are suddenly going so well for Lindsay! She's doing well at work, has a new, better love interest...but how much longer can she keep up the lie? Won't people, at some point, expect a baby?
As the movie continues, Lindsay starts to act like she really is preggers. She thinks that her success is all due to her pregnancy (in some ways it is...) and doesn't see that she doesn't need the fake belly--all she needed was to believe in herself! It's kind of like how Dumbo didn't really need the "magic feather" to fly--he just needed some confidence. Oh wait, it's not like that at all. It's more like she lied about being pregnant and took that lie way too far. Her sister got fed up with her lies and tore up her fake belly, so she had to use a balloon in a pinch so that she could attend another work party. Of course, the balloon popped, and she was exposed. How will she ever fix things now?

So I guess the moral of the story is that if you tell a crazy lie to keep your job, things can only end up amazingly well for you. And when the lie blows up in your face, those people you lied to will completely forgive you, and eventually that very lie will come true, and the silly fake pregnancy will just be something you laugh about together at company picnics. The other moral is that if you do too much coke and spend too much time in the tabloids, you'll end up doing ridiculous movies on ABC Family.
Labels: Brigitte, Kids Today, TV
yes, chris parnell. and he has this little dog named MacArthur who he has a creepy relationship with and who he brings to work with him...and MacArthur is injured at a softball game when a crazy author represented by the publishing house, played by Creed from The Office, has a heart attack and falls on the dog. it's very strange.
OMGzz, I just remembered Dumbo flying and gripping that magical feather with his trunk so hard and almost wept at how adorable that is!!!! I LOVE DUMBO
ABC Family should have realized that a pregnant coke-head is not believable at all.
Why didn't Lindsay just start a reality TV show like all the other washed up stars do? "Lindsay Lohan: It's Really Really Really Complicated. No, it's just F***ed up!"
The history of ABC Family amuses me: it started when Pat Robertson wanted an alternative to the smut on cable channels: it was called "The Family Channel" with plenty of 700 Club approved shows like The Rifleman and The 700 Club. It passed hands several times until Somehow ABC got ahold of it and they thought "Family" meant "appealing to kids" instead of "appealing to parents who want to control what their kids ingest of modern culture." And thus we have movies with Lindsey Lohan pretending to be pregnant. Pat Robertson must be rolling in his grave! Or will be, as soon as he dies.
I've actually really enjoyed ABC Family's lineup of shows, and I think they are skewed more toward "families watching together and having discussions about them" because shows like "Secret Life" talk about adult topics, like sex! And talk about how it's not dirty, but you should probably wait until marriage to make it special, but it will produce babies, but babies are a gift from God. Also, if you have sex while your dad is flying an airplane, he'll probably crash because God wants to punish you for having sex. Thanks, ABC Family.
In my professional opinion as a wannabe law student, here's the rub: You can pretty much fire people for any reason or no reason, but not an illegal reason. Unless they're under contract- like a contract to laugh and learn together with ABC family!
And isn't laughter and learning the best contract of all?
We had some good family discussions initiated by watching Night Court.
And when the lie blows up in your face, those people you lied to will completely forgive you, and eventually that very lie will come true, and the silly fake pregnancy will just be something you laugh about together at company picnics.
Funny, because that's actually happened to me several times before. Granted, having a "lie come true" was probably just coincidence.
Or, perhaps there's a deeper reason for this "phenomenon"...when somebody lies so persistently about something, it's usually because deep down, that is what he/she wants for oneself. Perhaps it takes the act of lying for that person to consciously realize what they secretly want, which then motivates them to strive towards that goal? At least that was the case with me a few yrs ago when I--fresh out of college and unable to find meaningful employment in my field--was too embarrassed to admit my crap job situation to my friends, so I lied about having a job in my career field. Less than a year later, I found myself working in a very similar job to what I'd fabricated. Perhaps the fear of not wanting to get "found out" pushed me to aim higher in my jobsearch? Hmmmmmmm...
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