Stars: They're Nothing Like Us (The Scar Jo Soapbox Edition)

-- Ok, I gained a little weight this year, but at least I'm not Jessica Simpson. Look at her being all fat in those high-waisted pants. Ha.
-- Oh, crap. Jessica Simpson lost the weight. Now I'm the fatty.
-- You know what, I think Jessica Simpson is too skinny. She needs to put some meat on those bones.
Yeah, we revel in celebrity low points and envy their high points. It's only natural. So when I read that Scarlett Johansson was upset that she recently came under fire for losing too much weight for her upcoming role in Iron Man 2, I initially thought, "Oh, poor Scar Jo. She doesn't like people calling her skinny, huh? That must be sooo tough." Not a whole lot of sympathy from me at first...but she actually has a surprisingly well-written article in the Huffington Post about the whole thing. She writes:

Good point. Of course I agree with her, but it's difficult hear a Hollywood Hottie tell us regular folks not to hate our bodies. I mean, when Oprah tells me I'm beautiful no matter what I look like, I believe her. She's been there; she knows where I'm coming from. It's freakin' Oprah. But when an A-list eye-candy starlet does it, it's a bit harder to believe. I mean, if you make money by posing nude on the cover of Vanity Fair because you've got the perfect body, can you really get mad that the paparazzi is obsessed with your weight loss? Discuss...
Labels: celebrities, Lady Amy, Stars: They're Nothing Like Us
i really like that thought process broken down, haha. i also really enjoyed scar jo's article...i always thought she came off in interviews like a total dumb dumb head, but she seems pretty intelligent...
Whoa, so in her article she mentions Stars: They're Just Like Us. They really are just like us!
I want that to be one of the photos in the next edition of that feature in Us Weekly...ScarJo reading Stars: They're Just Like Us.
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