TV Midterms are Upon Us, Let Us Critique

Heroes: Still watching it despite most of the complaints that have arisen: unnecessary romance subplots, unnecessary time-traveling subplots, a lack of progression in the story and lack of development in the characters ad nauseum. I never came close to giving up, because I'm pathetically attached to all of the characters, but this is reason to restore everyone's faith, hopefully. If he went out in the open and said this, he will get a lot of crap if it doesn't actually get better.
Gossip Girl: It is the wind beneath my wings.
Journeyman: I almost always watch the first 10-20 minutes of this show as it follows Heroes, but mostly it's just waiting to see when he will go into the future. But then I remember the terrible special effects budget given to Heroes, so why would they give it to the nu-Quantum Leap? It's the same episode every time (go back in time, save someone's life either figuratively or literally) and they keep hinting at a larger plot that will help propel the show, but now that it's come out in the open, I really don't care anymore.

Life: So much charm! This guy has totally rocketed up into my top 5 non-sexual sexy men list. He's so kooky! Seriously though, I still keep coming back for more. It's pretty predictable every time and has a vom-rom vibe to it that doesn't really fit into its existential detective thematics, but when it's on, it's completely entertaining and often has the wittiest dialogue on television right now. Plus I can't get enough of his Buddha-inspired non sequiturs! (Eyelids flutter).

30 Rock & The Office: One is the only genuinely good 30-minute show on television, the other used to be and has now been inflated by the powers that be into a downright soap opera with generally and genuinely funny moments. Luckily, the subtle and poignant relationships between characters that used to set The Office apart from other sitcoms is replaced by a sharp and vicious dose of mental insanity in 30 Rock - something that could only be heightened over time (and hopefully never taken away). And yet, we still feel for all the characters (Liz Lemmon's feminist loneliness, Tracy Jordan's instable celebritism) without the subtle looks and glances through a shaky lens that has been romanticized in The Office.
Wait, do you like the office or not? is 30 rock better (yes)?
I agree, Gossip Girl is really promising. That one episode I saw really lit a fire under my brain.
Heroes was never good. I really hope the writer's strike somehow destroys that show and NBC gets to air a LOST spin-off in its place.
What? Luke is in another show? How did I not hear of this sooner??
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